Need a new boiler?

One third of all CO2 emissions in the UK comes from our homes. If you are thinking about updating your boiler and or integrating renewable technologies, you can not only significantly lower your property’s carbon emissions, but can save you up to a 3rd of your energy usage.

As well as looking at the energy usage, it is important to minimise wasted energy. Simple steps such as loft insulation should also be carried out. Further advice on Saving Energy around your home can be found on the Energy Saving Trust website.

When you buy a boiler its efficiency can be affected by several factors, therefore it is important for you to ensure correct maintenance and care of your heating system to maximise your energy savings.

Once your new boiler is installed you should get a service and safety check every year. This ensures that the appliance is working as it should and that it’s efficiency is maintained. A poorly maintained boiler can seriously affect its efficiency.

Contact us for more information